Dress Code Guide

There can be many different interpretations of dress codes across various cultures. Here we try to define the expected standards of the different dress codes:


This dress code refers to comfort and personal expression. It can be defined as relaxed, informal or not planned.

Includes: Jeans, T-Shirt, Open shoes may be permitted
Excludes: Torn jeans

Includes: Jeans, T-Shirt, Open shoes may be permitted
Excludes: Torn jeans

Smart Casual

This dress code defines a more tidy and clean look.

Includes: Jeans, Chinos, Polo Shirts, Button Shirts, Closed Shoes, Cardigans & Jackets
Excludes: T-Shirts, Shorts, Open Shoes, Torn Jeans

Includes: Jeans, Blouse, Skirts, Closed Shoes, Cardigans
 T-Shirts, Open Shoes, Torn jeans

Business Formal

This dress code is more formal than casual and smart casual attire.

Includes: Suits, Tie, Button Shirts, Closed Shoes 
Excludes:  Jeans, T-Shirts, Sweatshirts, Open Shoes

Includes: Tailored TrousersSkirts, Suits, Blouse, Closed Shoes, May include a jacket
Tight or short skirts, Open Shoes, Torn Jeans

If you are unsure what to wear on your first day at the internship, we always advise to dress up rather than down.

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