Terms & Conditions
– The duration of the Internship Placement will be as agreed upon between the Intern & Host Organisation
– The Intern & Host Organisation agree that the Internship Placement is provided by the Host Organisation with no payment to the Intern for the duration of the Internship Placement
– “Internship Placement” means a voluntary learning experience in the Intern’s field of interest in order to gain further practical experience, knowledge, skills and exposure within an English language environment and increase their understanding of the skills involved within this field of interest. It may be an essential requirement stipulated by the Intern’s tertiary education provider or a voluntary act by the Intern.
– The Internship Placement will be on a full-time basis only unless otherwise agreed between the Intern and the Host Organisation.
– Upon the ending of the Internship Placement, the Host Organisation is under no obligation to offer the Intern paid employment.
– The Host Organisation agrees and acknowledges that they must provide the Intern with experience in their requested field and in accordance with any training schedule as amended from time to time.
– The Host Organisation agrees and acknowledges that they must provide the Intern with a Statement of Completion upon the ending of the Internship Placement period. If the intern terminates the internship earlier than their due date the company may reserve the right to provide a Reference and the Intern’s University may be notified.
– The Host Organisation agrees and acknowledges that they must reimburse any expenses reasonably incurred when performing their training with the Host Organisation by the Intern in the course of their Internship Placement upon presentation of original receipts for the expenses incurred and consistent with the Host Organisation’s procedures;
– The Host Organisation agrees and acknowledges that they must ensure a safe and healthy training environment that is harassment and discrimination-free and complies with work health and safety legislation.
– The Host Organisation agrees and acknowledges that they must comply with The Commonwealth Modern Slavery Act 2018.
– The Host Organisation agrees and acknowledges that they understand and comply with the Fair Work Ombudsman’s guidelines for Work experience & Internships.
– Either party may end the Internship by providing at least one week’s notice to the other in writing.
– Where a significant breach of the Host Organisation’s policy has been made by the Intern, the Host Organisation reserves the right to end the Internship without notice and depending on the circumstances, may take appropriate action against an Intern, including reporting a breach to the relevant authorities.
– The Host Organisation may also end the Internship Placement without notice if the Intern commits any act which may detrimentally affect the Host Organisation or any of its related Companies, including but not limited to:
(a) an act of dishonesty, fraud, willful disobedience, misconduct or breach of duty;
(b) unauthorised removal or deliberate destruction of property;
(c) presenting to for training under the influence of alcohol or illegal substances;
(d) theft;
(e) falsifying any documents;
(f) conviction of any offence punishable by imprisonment and sentenced to imprisonment, including road traffic offences;
(g) all forms of discrimination and harassment;
(h) breaches of work health and safety standards.
– The Host Organisation acknowledges that Internships Down Under (ACN144 896 971) has acted to introduce the Intern to the Host Organisation, but is not a party to any Internship Placement Agreement.
– The Host Organisation acknowledges that the Internship relationship does not create any legal or contractual relationship between Internships Down Under and the Host Organisation.
– The Host Organisation acknowledges that they will individually decide to enter in to an Agreement with the intern, and create an Internship relationship between them, following their own investigations and inquiries and in doing so have placed no reliance on any representations which might have been made by Internships Down Under.
– The Host Organisation acknowledges that the Intern is not, and will not be, providing any services, work, or labour, for the benefit of Internships Down Under.
– The Host Organisation acknowledges that, as Internships Down Under does not engage the Intern in any capacity, and is not the employer of the Intern, it does not maintain workers compensation insurance in respect of the Intern (and is not otherwise liable for any acts or omissions of the Intern);
– The Host Organisation releases Internships Down Under from any claims arising from, or in any way related and/or connected to the Internship or any Internship Placement Agreement and/or any payment or reimbursement for training or services provided by the Intern and/or any act or omission of the Intern or the Host Organisation; and/or any termination of the Internship
– The Host Organisation acknowledges that Internships Down Under may rely on the release notwithstanding that it is not a party to this Internship Placement Agreement.
– In the event that the Internship Placement is terminated, or any other issues arise in respect of the Internship, the Host Organisation acknowledges that, while Internships Down Under may at its complete discretion choose to seek to assist in resolving the issue, Internships Down Under makes no warranties and assumes no responsibility for resolving any such issue, or finding the Host Organisation any alternative intern.
– The commencement of an Internship Placement will be taken to indicate the Host Organisation’s agreement to these terms, even if that party has not signed any Internship Placement Agreement.
Confidentiality Statement
Internships Down Under is committed to safeguarding the privacy and confidentiality of the information entrusted to us by our clients, partners, and stakeholders. We understand the importance of maintaining the security of sensitive data and strictly adhere to ethical and legal standards in handling information.
Any information provided to Internships Down Under, whether through our website, communication channels, or in person, is solely for the purpose for which it was supplied. We will not disclose, share, or distribute this information to any third party unless for the purpose it was intended, or without explicit consent or unless required by law.
Internships Down Under implements rigorous security measures and protocols to protect the confidentiality and integrity of all data entrusted to us. Our employees are bound by strict confidentiality agreements and are trained to handle information with the utmost care and discretion.
We assure our clients and partners that any information shared with Internships Down Under will be used only for the specific purposes agreed upon, such as facilitating internships, or related activities. We do not engage in the unauthorised dissemination of information, and we take all necessary precautions to prevent data breaches or unauthorised access.
This confidentiality statement reflects our dedication to maintaining the trust and confidence of our clients and partners. If you have any concerns or questions about our data handling practices, please feel free to contact us.
Internships Down Under reserves the right to update or amend this confidentiality statement as needed to align with evolving industry standards and legal requirements.
Workplace Discrimination, Harassment, and Bullying
Everyone has the right to work in an environment free from bullying, harassment, discrimination and violence.
Host companies need to be aware of their responsibilities to ensure that the working environment or workplace culture is not sexually or racially hostile. Host companies should develop and implement targeted practices to address inappropriate workplace behaviour and deal effectively with any complaints.
Host companies should also be proactive in addressing hostile behaviour that may be embedded in the workplace culture. Examples of a potentially hostile working environment are where racially or sexually crude conversations, innuendo or offensive jokes are part of the accepted culture. An intern can complain about such conduct as harassment even if the conduct in question was not specifically targeted at him or her.
Under occupational health and safety legislation, host companies and interns are required to comply with any measures that promote health and safety in the workplace. Because of this duty, host companies need to eliminate or reduce the risks to interns’ health and safety caused by workplace bullying.
While IDU promotes a safe training environment free from Workplace Discrimination, Harassment, and Bullying, the intern and host company acknowledge that IDU are not liable or responsible for acts of Workplace Discrimination, Harassment, and Bullying within the host company.