Jesse; Architecture Internship in Sydney

Jesse is in Sydney completing an architecture internship. Believe it or not, this photo was taken in Australia (yes, it snows in Australia);

My home city is: Wouw in The Netherlands
Growing up I wanted to be a: architect
I chose Australia because: I could practice my English and see a lot of the beautiful country during my internship
My impression of Australia before I arrived: I heart a lot of things that the work environment is really relaxed and that the people are very hospitable
One thing I have learnt about Australia: That the first people to arrive on Australia were actually two Dutch guys
Before I leave Australia I want to: Learn to surf
If I could live anywhere it would be: the Bahamas or Tasmania
Best advice I have been given is: Enjoy your college time because before you know it is over
My worst job was: Delivering papers
Destination of my next trip: I hope Japan
Australia described in one word: Beautiful


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