Rik; Medical Research Internship in Sydney
Rik is from The Netherlands and completed his internship in Sydney from February 2017 until July 2017;
Where do you currently live?
Zoetermeer, The Netherlands
What is your current status?
Student at HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht, Bachelor medical assistance
Describe the path from your internship in Australia to your current position
After my internship in Sydney, I started my second internship in University Medical Center Utrecht. There, I researched hypoxia ischemia in infants. After this internship I worked there for another year, but since I wanted to have more contact with patients I started my new study.
How did the internship in Australia contribute towards reaching your current status?
Because of the internship in Australia I finished my study and got my degree.
What were the most important OFFICE SKILLS you learnt during your internship?
I worked a lot with excel so I improved there and I learned to communicate in English
What were the most important INDUSTRY SPECIFIC SKILLS you learnt during your internship?
Cell culture and basic histolofy
Are you still in contact with your Australian internship host company?
Are you still in contact with the friends you made while you were in Australia?
Best memory from your time in Australia?
Hard to chose… Either my friends I made or diving with sharks
What do you miss most about your time in Australia?
The weather (we can imptort timtams here π )
Advice for anyone thinking about completing an internship in Australia?
GO and do it. You will have a awesome time and learn so much|!