Ruth; Event Management Internship in Australia

Ruth is completing an Events internship in Sydney. Luckily she hasn’t seen any of the scary Aussie animals she thought she would; although she has only been here for one month;

My home city is: Eindhoven is famous for: the company Philips and light show ‘Glow’. However, most guys know it from PSV (football club).
When I was young I wanted to: be a Dancer
I chose Australia because: I wanted to do my internship in a English-speaking country, to improve my English. Besides that, my cousin has been living in Australia for a while and she loves it. So I was really curious about Australia.
My impression of Australia before I arrived: was scared of all the animals, like big spiders, snakes and aggressive kangaroos. Luckily, I haven’t met one of them yet haha
One thing I have learnt about Australia that I didn’t know before: Aussies are amazingly nice. Everybody wants to help you and wants to chat with you. Love it!
Before I leave Australia, I want to: Go on a surf camp or make a road trip through a part of Australia (or both haha)
If I could live anywhere in the world, it would be: NYC, I love the city
Best Advice I have been given is: Relax, it will all be okay
My worst job was: delivering newspapers to the neighbourhood. It was not bad, except when it was raining, I hate rain ๐Ÿ˜‰
My next trip will be to: Oulo in Finland
Australia described in one word: Amazing!


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